Pupil benefits


Pupil Reward Points is updated frequently according to feedback from staff and students. Students using our system told us that they wanted the reward system to appear much more like a social networking website.

Profile Picture

Therefore, they can now add a profile picture, change their background and font, and if allowed by the school, pupils can add friends in order to see each other's points totals. Children cannot communicate with each other via the system unless you specify otherwise.

Pupils can have their own privacy settings to decide whether or not to share details of their achievements with friends, or the school can fix the privacy settings for all pupils.

Pupils can earn online badges for reaching milestones such as saving 500 points, having at least 95% attendance or earning a particular amount of points in an area such as literacy or numeracy. This is fully automated and allows success to be recognised without any input from staff.

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Monitoring points over time

Children can see how many points they are earning over time. This could be useful for conversations between a child and their teacher, or between parents and their children.

Monitoring points across subjects

For schools that teach subjects seperately, Pupil Reward Points can allow a child to see how many points they have received in each area. This information can be used to identify a child's strengths and areas for improvement where there is equal opportunity to earn points in each area.

All of the above information about each child can also be seen by staff.

Attendanceand Punctuality

Attendance chart

Above: A pupil's personal attendance chart

Punctuality chart

Above: A pupil's personal punctuality chart

Students can see their current attendance and / or punctuality on their homepage, and they can be awarded automatically for their attendance e.g. 1 point per session.

Examine history ofAchievements

Examining history of achievements

Pupils can see details of every individual achievement they have made over weeks, months and years. This is not only useful for student self-assessments but it is also useful for staff meetings about the student.

"I think the website is better than merits because its so much easier and plus you can go on it at home"
- Year 7 student

"I think this is a really good idea because kids are proberly going to be better behaved and working harder to get more points"
- Year 10 student