School Resources
These are a sample of the free resources we provide to schools to help you get the most out of Pupil Reward Points. We can also provide your school with letter and memo templates, press releases and ideas for rewards.
Rewards system setup
Guide for setting up a new Pupil Rewards System. |
Spreadsheet to help guide us and your school through key decisions that need to be made prior to the introduction of your new rewards system. |
Going live
Explains the basic principles of the rewards system and the benefits of using Pupil Reward Points. |
Shows students how it works and gets them excited about the launch - can be used in an assembly. |
Promote your rewards system around your school so that everyone knows about it... Poster 1 - A2 | A3 | A4 Expectations poster - customize to your school's requirements |
Starter / Plenary / Lesson Resources - NEW!
Pick a student's name in a quick, fair and visual way. You can even automatically remove a student once they have been picked! |
Corporate image - marketing your rewards system
We encourage schools to use either Pupil Reward Points logo where possible. Schools may create their own Pupil Reward Points posters to promote the reward system to their students and use the logo in presentations to staff and students, as well as letters and newsletters.
3D Pupil Reward Points logo |
Our Policies
Other resources
If the resource you are looking for is not here, please let us know and we will send you whatever you need to help with running your rewards system.
In addition to these resources, your school will receive a resources pack that will include letters to send to parents and local businesses, a press release template, staff guidance sheets, welcome memos, all of the resources on this page and more!